Vlady: Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve been invited to celebrate
with Paul and Mary their fiftieth wedding anniversary. With the help of their
children, it will be celebrated in a very special way.
Fifty years ago, Paul and Mary exchanged
their wedding vows. Today, they are going to renew those vows.
Wishing Stones
Vlady: Before we begin the ceremony, I’d like everyone here to
select a wishing stone and hold it in your hand throughout the ceremony.
During the ceremony you might like to
mark it in some way to symbolise your affection for Paul and Mary, and your
commitment to continue to support them in the future as you have done in the
At the end of the ceremony, you can
place the wishing stone in the container which Paul and Mary will take home to
be reminded of this day, when they renewed their wedding vows on their fiftieth
wedding anniversary surrounded by the people who love and support them.
Entrance Music played by Grandson
behalf of Paul and Mary I’d like to welcome you all to their Renewal of Wedding
Vows Ceremony. It is not only a very important occasion it is also a very happy
Present with them today is their son
Adrian, with his wife Jane and their son Mark who have travelled from
interstate to be here today, as well as their daughter Cynthia, her husband
David and their two sons James and Philip. Stephen, their fourth grandson is
unable to be here today, but I’m sure he is with his grandparents in spirit
wishing them a happy wedding anniversary celebration.
Also with us today are members from Paul
and Mary’s original wedding party, Groomsman Eric, Bridesmaids Ann and Kathy
and Flower girl Patty.
Paul and Mary, you are about to make promises to one another, as you did on your wedding day
50 years ago.
Your vows
represent your intentions towards each other.
already found that living your vows over the years, investing your time, your
love and your commitment to one another, the happy times of your life became
twice as joyous, because there was someone to share those joys with.
And when life
got tough, it was only half as bad, because there was someone by your side to
help carry the burden.
For those
times in the future, when life presents all of us with challenges, remember
that prayer for serenity - God grant me the serenity to accept the things that
I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know
the difference.
Prayer on behalf of the family by
COUPLE'S daughter
Renewal of Vows
Vlady: Paul and Mary, 50 years ago
you took each other for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in
sickness and in health, until death.
Today do you
repeat that promise?
Together: I
Vlady: Paul
and Mary, do you now take each other to continue to be your lawfully wedded
spouse; to continue to love and be loved for who you are; to celebrate your
similarities and to rejoice in your differences; to approach your future years
with the same joy as you approached the past fifty years?
Together: I
Vlady: Surrounded
by your family and friends, in grateful appreciation for what has gone before,
and in loving anticipation of the years ahead, do you reaffirm the promises you
have made on your wedding day to love, honour and respect each other?
Together: I
Vlady: Paul
and Mary will you now repeat after me these promises to each other
Together: I
give to you all that I have been, all I am now, all I will be.
Vlady: May
your children and grandchildren bless you, your friends console you, and all
people live in peace with you.
Words of appreciation by the three
Support from Guests
Vlady: Over
the past fifty years Paul and Mary have been fortunate and grateful for the
many relationships they have formed, and which has been a strength and support
to them.
As they
celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary, by renewing their own commitment
to each other, I would like everyone present to be aware of how important they
are to Paul and Mary and their hope that you will continue to be involved in
their lives.
So now I ask you, as family and friends of this
couple and their children, will you continue to support the union of Paul and
Mary and their family?
Guests: I will.
Candle Lighting Ceremony by Son and Daughter
Vlady: Ladies and gentlemen, please join me
in a blessing for Paul and Mary on this their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
Everyone: May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your
the sun shine warm upon your face,
rains fall soft upon your fields.
until we meet again,
God hold you in the palm of his hand.
green be the grass you walk on,
blue be the skies above you,
pure be the joys that surround you,
true be the hearts that love you
God be with you and bless you;
you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings,
you know nothing but happiness
this day forward.
Paul and Mary, as you have renewed your
wedding vows, all of us present wish for you continuing happiness as husband
and wife.
As on your wedding day, continue to be
each other's sweetheart, helpmate, friend and guide, so that together you may
meet the cares and problems of life more bravely.
And with the passage of time, may you
find great contentment in the rich joy of senior companionship.
May the home you are reaffirming today
truly be a place of love and harmony.
We, your relatives and friends, bless you
with our wishes and hopes for your continuing happiness and love.
Paul and Mary, today you have renewed
the promises and vows you made to each other on your wedding day.
You have symbolized the renewal of the
marriage union by the joining of hands, and exchanging of vows.
It is with pleasure that I conclude the ceremony of renewing the vows of
marriage that joined you and forever binds you as husband and wife. Please celebrate this
renewal of vows with a sign of affection….a Kiss.
Vlady: Paul and Mary, to
commemorate this special day in your life, I‘d like to present you with two
One commemorates your renewal of vows, the other tells a little about the
events that took place in the year in which you were married.
Vlady: Now I would like everyone to come up and congratulate the
couple for remaining the loving husband and wife they are.
Bring the stones, with and place them in
the special container provided for them.
The number of stones in the container
will be a constant reminder to Paul and Mary of the people who shared with them
the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary and who will continue to
bless them with their support in the years to come.
In the Year Paul and Mary married
¨ Mr Robert Menzies was Prime Minister
¨ Joe Hockey, current Treasurer, was born
¨ Mini skirts became fashionable
¨ Graham Kennedy was a noted Personality
¨ The Seekers sang ‘I’ll never find another You’
¨ Tom Jones sang ‘It’s not Unusual’
¨ Most popular film was ‘The Sound of Music ‘
¨ Homicide was the most popular drama
¨ Light Fingers won the Melbourne Cup
¨ Britain banned cigarette advertising on TV
¨ The Maple leaf became Canada’s flag
¨ In Brisbane Women chained themselves at the
Regatta Hotel protesting laws banning women
from pubs
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