Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Crazy Sexy Diet

The title ‘Crazy Sexy Diet’ by Kris Carr suggests it might be a book Casanova might have been interested in. I bought it for $2 at a second-hand store because I’m writing a book about aphrodisiacs. However, the book is not exactly about sex or sexiness. Well, it is not about sex at all, actually.

It is, in fact, a book written by a cancer patient looking for ways to beat or delay the Grim Reaper.

The book is well researched, entertainingly written, beautifully presented and very persuasive in terms of what’s good and what’s bad for your health.

The term crazy – according to the author – stands for bold, out of the box, forward thinking, and status-quo challenging, while the term sexy stands for confident, in touch, whole, passionate, and conscious.

And, of course we all know what diet stands for. Right? Long answer short – diet means what you eat. And, as the story goes, we are what we eat. That is our health is dependent on the food we consume.

When it comes to health – or lack of it - Kris Carr comes out with some distressing and thought-provoking statistics.

(a)   The leading cause of death world-wide is cancer.
(b)  The leading cause of death in the US is heart disease, with more than 17 million dying in 2005
(c)   World-wide more than 180 million people have type 2 diabetes
(d)  1.6 billion people are overweight
(e)   400 million people are obese
(f)   World-wide more than 20 million children under 5 are overweight
(g)  Autism which affected about 1 child out of 10,000 in 1970, now in some US states affects 1 child out of 150

According to this author, some medical researchers suggest that the next generation will be the first generation to die younger than their parents.

So what’s the answer to a longer – and healthier life?

Read the 'Crazy Sexy Diet' and see.