Sunday, March 28, 2021

ABC of Life

 Reading from 500+ Readings for Various Ceremonies

A......Act. Don’t react.

B......Be kind to yourself first, it will follow that you’ll be kind to others.

C......Choose your life. Don’t let others do it for you, no matter how good their intentions.

D......Don’t worry. Be happy.

E......Each day is an opportunity to live well.

F......Find your dream and follow it.

G......Goals give you directions. Go through them every day.

H......Have fun. Life was meant to be easy.

I.......Ideas are only useful if you do something about them.

J.......Join people and groups that make you feel great. Avoid the rest.

K.....Know what you want and go for it.

L......Live today. Yesterday’s gone, and tomorrow never comes.

M.....Make your life mean something.

N.....Negative people are debilitating. Avoid them at all costs.

O.....One day at a time is all the living you need do.

P......Promise less. Deliver more.

Q......Quiet time gives you a chance to take stock of yourself.

R......Reacting to others is living their life, not your own.

S......Stop to smell the roses every chance you get.

T......Tomorrow never comes. Do it today.

U......Undervalue no one, especially yourself.

V......Volunteer from the heart, not from the head.

W.....Wishing won’t make it so. Do it instead.

X.......‘Xellent results come from ‘xellent planning.

Y.......You need to know what you want before you can get it.

Z......Zero work. Zero results.