Monday, June 13, 2011

Renewal of Vows - 30th Wedding Anniversary

Like many events, this renewal of vows ceremony began as Just a Few Friends celebration in the backyard and ended at the local bowls club with a lot of family and friends.

Because the couple had envisaged the ceremony as low-key, they decided not to involve anyone in the ceremony itself.

As a result I decided to oomph it up with a few symbolic rituals which would involve everyone, as opposed to one or two indivduals. The rituals I choose was wishing stones and warming of the wedding rings, and ending the ceremony with a communal blessing which everyone read from the ceremony progam.

Needless to say, everyone embraced these aspects of the ceremony - thoughfully inscribing the wishing stones, thinking carefully over the wedding rings, and loudly blessing the couple at the end of the ceremony.

I'm always impressed how much everyone enjoys being part of a ceremony and find it a pity that so many couples are reluctant to ask guests to participate. 

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