Thursday, January 10, 2013

Baby Naming Certificates

One of the things I enjoy about Baby Naming ceremonies is the opportunity it gives me to draft special certificates for all the people involved in the ceremony - from the baby to aunts and uncles, grandpas and grandmas.

What I usually do is have different designs for the different people. The certificates for grandparents would be one design, while certificates for Godparents, for example, would be a different design, and certificates for the baby's elder siblings would be different again.

Recently, I was asked by a celebrant if I had certificates that were the same design for all the people involved in the ceremony. I hadn't thought of theme certificates as I felt what was appropriate for a child, would hardly be appropriate for an adult. However, I thought I'd give it a try, and here are my efforts. Two themes, for those people likely to be involved in a Baby Naming Ceremony.

Theme Baby Naming Certificates for 17 different people involved in the Naming ceremony such as baby's siblings, grandparents, mentors etc.

Fairy Theme

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