Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Honeymoon with Father Christmas

For those couples who will be taking honeymoon with their children, and who don’t mind the cold, there is the possibility of introducing their children to Santa Clause himself, as well as his elves, by visiting him in his Santa Clause village, in Finland. Here Santa Claus greets thousands of visitors from all over the world every day of the year.

Santa Clause Village is filled with shops showing arts and crafts from Finland, and also has its very own Santa's Post Office, and Santa's own stamps, that lets you send mail to friends back home.

To learn more about Christmas traditions all over the world, the village includes the Christmas House, showing Christmas films, rare Christmas decorations from Lapland, Finland, United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Iceland, Japan, France, Austria, Spain, Poland and USA.

Whether you’re young or old Santa Clause is happy to have his photo taken with you.

Walk around the village, enjoy the giant snow man, slide down the ice slides or visit the shops, cafes and the post office.

Other experiences include reindeer sleigh rides, dog sleigh rides, snowmobile rides. Depending on the weather, you might even get to see the northern lights in all their incredible colors.

For those who would like to see the wildlife, there is a Wildlife Park with 50 species of wild arctic animals and 200 animal specimens, including polar bears, brown bears, wolves, lynx, moose, deer, reindeer, squirrel, beaver as well as numerous birds.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Casanova Did It First

Ever skirted that strip of nude beach and wondered how it would feel to be one of those bodies?

Well, here’s your chance. Make your honeymoon a naturist honeymoon, as the experts call it.

There’s a story about Giacomo Casanova, the story booklover, who took off all his clothes in Croatia, and swam out to sea without a stitch on. Whether this was the beginning of Croatia’s naturist beaches, the idea seemed to take off.

In 1936 royalty gave its approval when the then EnglishKing Edward VIII and his future wife, American socialite, Wallis Simpson, went for a swim in the nude.

The royal approval was so appreciated by the Croatians, that Kandarola, where the king and his partner took their swim is sometimes called ‘English Beach’ or ‘Engleska Plaza’.

Since then, Croatia, lying on the Adriatic Sea, welcomes hundreds of thousands of visitors enjoying ‘Freikörperkultu’ as the Germans call it. The word which stands for free body culture, is abbreviated to FKK, and is on signs where the free body culture is practiced.

If you decide that FKK is for you, apart from Croatia, you can skip to nearby countries such as Germany, Yugoslavia and France to mingle with other uncovered bodies.
Based on 'Honeymoon! A Sizzle or a Fizzle' by Vlady Peters

Find it on Amazon and Smashwords

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Honeymoon and the Dancing Fountain

Looking for the fabulous and unique while on your honeymoon? Visit Dubai and its Dancing Fountain.

One of world's modern wonders, Dubai's dancing fountain is the world's tallest fountain.

It can be seen from over 200 miles away up in space and can shoot water as high as a 50-storey building.

Fourteen times a day the fountain puts on a musical display which occurs every 20 minutes, and lasts 3-5 minutes.

Some of the music to which the water jets dance, include All Night Long by Lionel Ritchie and I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston, to name just two.

Not only is this one of the hugest fountains in the world, it is also one of the most expensive in the world, costing $217 million dollars to build.

Article based on
by Vlady Peters

Monday, November 4, 2013

Creating a linked Table of Contents for Smashwords and Amazon

Table of Contents
Type out your Table of Contents where you want it to appear at the beginning of your book. Use normal paragraph style. That is, don’t use heading styles.

Part 1
Section 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Adding Bookmarks
Now go to the body of your manuscript and call up the Bookmark function. In word 2007 it’s under Insert.

Highlight Part 1, then Insert: Bookmark. When bookmark menu appears give your bookmark a name that’s easy to locate and doesn’t get duplicated. For example you could name it ‘Partone’ or 'Part1' or 'Part_1'. Don’t use spaces and only use letters a-z and numbers 0-9. You can also use the underscore.

Go through the rest of your book and bookmark all those items that you’ve placed in the Table of Contents naming them in the same way - Chapterone, Chapter1 and so on.

Go back to the Table of Contents itself and highlight the phrase Table of Contents.

Bookmark it with the name ‘ref_TOC’. This is for the benefit of Smashwords Meatgrinder.

Adding Links
Once you've created the bookmarks within the book, go to the Table of Contents to begin linking the body of your work to the Table of Contents.

Highlight Part 1. Go to the Insert tab and click on Hyperlink.On the left side one of your options will be ‘Place in this Document’ which will bring up your bookmarks. Click the bookmark with which you named Part 1 and add.

Your Part 1 in the Table of Contents will now be a blue hyperlink.

Go through the rest of the Table of Contents, adding Hyperlinks to the Bookmarks that you’ve created.

To test the Hyperlink, press CNTR key while clicking the link with your mouse.

Back to the top Links
To allow the reader to get back to the Table of Contents after each section or chapter, simple make a hyperlink Back to the Top, using the bookmark ‘ref_TOC’

Getting Rid of Hidden Bookmarks
As Word sometimes inserts hidden bookmarks into the documents, once you’ve made sure that all your hyperlinks are working, call up bookmarks again and check :hidden bookmarks which will look like HLt2398765389.

Delete all but those bookmarks that you’ve created yourself.