Thursday, February 4, 2016

Wedding Handfasting Ritual

Colour is an important element in a Handfasting ceremony. Brides are less likely to be dressed in white than in other colours symbolic in nature. This might be red to denote a passionate love, as well as the importance attached to the colour generally. To express the everlasting nature of the marriage commitment, a bride may dress in black, or have her attendants in black. While unpopular among traditional brides, green is another colour a Handfasting bride might use. Denoting growth and fertility, in early civilizations a young widow might wear it to indicate that she was still able to bear children.

Other significantly meaningful colours are blue for loyalty, pink for friendship in love, orange for joy, brown for stability, yellow for happiness, gold for abundance, and white for peace.

Different cultures attribute different meaning to different colours. To the Chinese, for example, the colour blue stands for eternity. Consequently, partners are likely to choose not only colours with a particular significance, but colours with a significance they themselves attribute to them.

Red: passion, strength

Orange: encouragement, attraction, kindness, plenty

Yellow: charm, confidence, joy, balance

Green: finances, fertility, charity, prosperity, health

Blue: tranquility, patience, devotion, sincerity

Purple: Power, piety, sanctity, sentimentality

Black: strength, wisdom, vision, success

White: purity, concentration, meditation, peace

Gray: neutrality, canceling, balance

Pink: unity, honour, truth, romance, happiness

Brown: earth, grounding, talent, telepathy, home

Silver: treasure, values, creativity, inspiration

Gold: energy, wealth, intelligence, longevity

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