Saturday, October 5, 2013

Can a Honeymoon be Boring?

Although in the midst of wedding planning, couples can hardly believe that a honeymoon could ever become boring, even the rich and famous, with all their choices, have found a honeymoon just that.

Styled as the romance of the century, the wedding day and the honeymoon of Duke of Windsor - King of England from 20th January to 11th December 1936 - did not live to its expectations.

It started off with an unexpectedly quiet wedding as the majority of guests declined the invitation to attend.

The honeymoon was even quieter.

After an obligatory tour of Venice and Milan, the couple settled for three months in the Carinthian Mountains, in Austria.

Their honeymoon home was Castle Wasserloenburg, a fifteenth century castle reportedly inhabited by the restless spirit of the ‘Bluebeard Duchess’. Not to be confused with the French fairytale ‘Blue Beard’ by Charles Perault, and the Hungarian one-act opera ‘Bluebeard's Castle’ by Bartok, apparently in this castle it was the lady who kept track of disobedient husbands.

As the honeymoon consisted of walking or hiking the new wife seems to soon tire of it. She spent hours writing letters. Quite a few to her ex husband. What could she have said? ‘Wish you were here’?
Taken from my book
'Honeymoon! A Sizzle or a Fizzle?'

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