Tuesday, July 19, 2016

5 Reasons for a House Blessing Ceremony

Blessing a house is a simple ceremony that is often used in conjunction with other milestones or ceremonies.

1. A newly married couple may have a house blessing ceremony even though they may have lived together prior to their wedding. The ceremony underscores that their partnership as a married couple has now reached a new level.

2. Another reason for holding a house blessing ceremony is when a new baby becomes part of the household. The house blessing, which may also be part of a naming ceremony, becomes a blessing for the new family as composed of the partners and the new baby.

3. When partners break up, the house blessing may be a way of reconciling the remaining partner to what has happened, while at the same time emphasising the many possibilities that are present in spite of the unhappiness which may have preceded it.

4. A couple who have decided to move in together, and each has children from a previous relationship, might consider a blessing of the house in which the children are involved so that they feel a part of the relationship. This is also a time, if the couple are looking at a permanent relationship, of having a formal commitment ceremony.

5. Transitional or personal situation which might be a time to consider a house blessing ceremony includes:

•   Moving into a new home
•   Starting a new job
•   Getting Married
•   After a Divorce
•   Empty Nest - when last child has left the home
•   When life feels dreary or out of control
•   When you’re looking for a new focus for your life
•   When there’s been a death in the family
•   Opening a new business
•   Improving a current business

Learn more about House Blessing and many other celebrations in my book 'Celebrating Love's Special Moments'.

Find it on Amazon and Smashwords

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