Tuesday, December 27, 2016

2017 Freebies

In 2017 you'll be getting all sorts of hints, tips and free thingies to download.

Today I'm anticipating New Year's Eve. Over the years I've conducted weddings on every type of occasion, with some couples using the opportunity to create personal wedding vows. Some might choose to match the vows to their own situation, to the place where the ceremony is taking place or even to the time.

When first deciding to write their own vows, some couples find that by substituting a more familiar phraseology for the traditional wording the vow becomes more acceptable to them.

Creating a Wedding Vow Step by Step
Compiling the original vow step by step may take the following form.

Defining the relationship
1. We are friends
2. We enjoy each other’s company
3. You make me feel good about myself
4. When I’m sad having you by my side makes me happier

Hopes for the future
1. We hope to become a family
2. We hope to grow as a family
3. We hope to help each other in our ambitions
4. We hope to help each other to be at peace

Promises for the future
1. We will be faithful to each other
2. We will be honest with each other
3. We will share our problems
4. We will place our relationship before other considerations

And here's a sample of the actual wording for a New Year's Eve Wedding Vows.

A New Year
and a new beginning for us.
Today, as the world makes a promise
for the future,
I promise to love you
from this day forward,

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